An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine August 1914:-
"OUR new Vicar, the Rev. Thos. Francis Forth, has now got in residence, and before this appears will have been inducted. We extend to him and Mrs. Forth a hearty welcome and trust they will see many happy years amongst us."
The First World War started on 28th July 1914. Britain declared war on Germany on 4th August 1914 which would have been too late for a mention in the August issue of the magazine and Britain had not yet become involved in any fighting. Wikipedia says "Some of the first clashes of the war involved British, French, and German colonial forces in Africa. On 7 August, French and British troops invaded the German protectorate of Togoland.
However, at the end of July there must have been an expectation that Britain would soon be at war. The gravity of the situation was yet to be felt, as well as sorrow for the Rev. Forth.
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine September 1914:-
"At a very short notice a meeting was held at the Vicarage to consider what steps could be taken to assist the wounded. It was agreed that collections be appointed to get together sufficient money to buy materials to be made into garments by a Work Party. Miss Stevens was asked to act as treasurer. There has been an extraordinary response from the richest to the poorest. More than £13 was collected in a few days - and a Working Party is in full swing at the Parish Room on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. It is gratifying to be able to send £5 10s 10d to the Prince of Wales for the National Relief Fund also. While the women are doing so much to help, what is happening to the men? There must be many in Broad Chalke under the age limit, whose duty it is to help protect our King and Country."
Below: An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine October 1914 concerning enlisting:-
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine November 1914:-
"Still the war goes on and England has opened her heart to those brave people, the Belgians, upon whom the brunt of the battle has fallen. Many, many thousands have sought a refuge within the bounds of our shores - homeless, penniless and often without clothes. We had been praying in our Intercessions that "the way of help" might "be made plain." The answer soon came, "send to the Belgian Refugees" - and we did send. All day long parcels kept coming in - everything that is possible to wear from old socks to overcoats. Six large sacks full of clothing were sent straight to the Relief Committee at Dover, from whom a post card of grateful thanks was received. One who was unable to send clothes kindly sent 2/-; this came in very useful to help pay the carriage to Dover."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine December 1914:-
"BELGIAN REFUGEES. - At a public meeting held in the schoolroom and called by the Parish Council, the claims of the Belgian refugees were put before us. After speeches and some discussion, the meeting considered that the best way to deal with the matter was to ask the members of the Working Party to extend their work to the Belgian refugees. This was done, with the result that the members said that as the Working Party was called to work for the soldiers they would prefer that that work should be continued if possible, and that the money collected for Belgian refugees should be sent direct to head-quarters to provide for their immediate needs."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine March 1915:-
"WORKING PARTY. - Again the Working Party has had to come to an end through lack of funds. The further contributions amounted to £2 3s 2d, and the material provided cost £2 3s 3d; there is still a small outstanding account and a few shillings to be paid for carriage. The total amount spent on material is £17 6s, a magnificent total. The Working Party too must be congratulated on the number of garments they have made and sent away; as there are still a few things being finished at home it is impossible to give a complete list at present."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine May 1915:-
"ON ACTIVE SERVICE. - The following are the names of those who have gone, or are volunteering to go to war. The list is only of Broadchalke men, friends have been omitted. The Vicar hopes that if there is any mistake, that he may know of it at once,and that the list will be useful to help people to remember the individual needs of those who are sacrificing themselves for us, when the bell is rung at midday:-
Mark Harry Isaacs, John Poole, George Compton (missing), Walter Mundy (wounded), Fred Dowsett (wounded at Mons), Ernest Dowsett, Herbert Stevens (wounded), Bert Turnal (sic), Herbert Gulliver, Fred Goodridge, Percy Foyle, James Shorland, Ernest Shorland, Ernest Penny, Frederick James Creighton (wounded), Frank Bundy, William Smith, Walter Smith, Reginald Hitchings, Claud Williamson, Edgar Gurd, Elgar Gurd, Edgar James Williams, Fred Penny, Charles Read, Fred Eurm (sic), Herbert Erum (sic), Herbert Dimmer, Jesse Wright, Arthur Pinkhard, William Buckland, Ralph Read, Walter Goodfellow, Frederick Holloway, Edwin Penny, Reginald Snook, John Erum (sic) (missing), Cecil Powell, Sidney Charles Shergold (a prisoner in Germany), Charles Case, John William Shergold.
The last named, though not directly from Broadchalke, was a choirman and a ringer 24 years ago."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine June 1915:-
"ON ACTIVE SERVICE. - John Emm, who was reported to be missing, is now reported to be a prisoner of war in Germany and wounded.
There were several misprints in the list given in last month's Magazine. The names should have been:- Bert Furnel, Fred Emm, Herbert Emm, Harry Isaacs should be Harold, and to the list should be added John Henry Smith, whose wife and family have lately come into the parish."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine July 1915:-
"G.F.S. FESTIVAL. -The Girls Friendly Society Festival was held this year at Bishopstone on Thursday June 17th. Unfortunately hay-making was just at its height, and several of our girls were unable to be present. Those who were there however thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and the photograph that was taken will be the means of linking together the various parishes of the neighbourhood. Those girls who wish to become candidates for the G.F.S. should apply to Mrs. Forth."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine July 1915:-
"ON ACTIVE SERVICE. - Nothing has as yet been heard of the whereabouts of John Emm, except that he is a prisoner in Germany and wounded. On the other hand a post-card is received nearly every week from Sidney Shergold, who is a prisoner at Doerberitz. George Compton is still reported missing, though a search has been made for him through the American authorities in Germany. Walter Mundy, who was wounded some time ago, has been for some weeks in hospital in London. Several of our men and our friends and relations are at the present time in the trenches. A most interesting letter has been received from J.W.Shergold, Canadian A.S.C., in which occur the following words: - "We are hoping your people in England will send every men that can be spared, also guns and shells, the quicker its done the quicker will end this terrible business." These all should have our most earnest prayers. It does not seem to be suficiently understood that the Intercession Service at 7.30 p.m. on Fridays is for that purpose."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine August 1915:-
"ON ACTIVE SERVICE. - To the list of those who have suffered in some way for King and Country must be added two names. Fred Dowsett has again been wounded, this time more seriously, in both shoulders and leg. We are glad to think that after such serious wounds he has been able safely to be conveyed to England. Fred Emm has been officially reported as "missing" - he was in a severe engagement, from which only a few came out alive. All the officers of his Company were killed except one, who writes very beautifully of Fred. He was this officer's groom, and the officer enquired for him directly he returned from the engagement. It is just possible that he may be in a German Hospital. God grant that something more definite than the word "missing" may soon be heard, not only of him, but also of George Compton."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine March 1916:-
"LETTERS are still coming in from those who were recipients of the Christmas Parcels. Most of the men received them before Christmas, but some did not get theirs until February. However, all are most grateful to the members of the Broad Chalke Reading Room, and report the excellent condition of the various things in their parcels."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine July 1916:-
"On Monday, June 12th, a Memorial Service was held at 8 p.m., at which we remembered before God our own men who are now officially reported as killed, viz.; John Emm, Fred Emm, and George Compton, as well as those who had lost their lives in the Naval Battle of Jutland, Lord Kitchener, and those who perished with him in the loss of the Hampshire. At the end of the service the Dead March was played, and two buglers kindly came from Fovant camp and sounded the "Last Post." After service the ringers gave a muffled peal in honour of all who had lost their lives for King and Country."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine September 1916:-
"ROLL OF HONOUR. - Two more of our men have been reported as having given their lives for King and Country - Frank Tryhorn and Herbert stevens, the former a married man with a family, the latter a bright young fellow of little over twenty years of age. Our hearts go out in deepest sympathy to their friends. - R.I.P."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine October 1916:-
"ROLL OF HONOUR. - Again we have heard of men killed in action for the Honour of their country: first, Reginald Cross, whose parents have for a short time lived in Broadchalke, 2nd, Ralph Read, whose wife and children left us about a year ago, and 3rd, the Vicar has just heard of the death of his young cousin, who was staying at the Vicarage a year ago - a young Lieutenant in the R.F.A under 19 years of age. God grant that they may rest in peace in the Paradise of the Blest, and that those who mourn their loss may receive the comfort which He alone can supply."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine December 1916:-
"ROLL OF HONOUR. - Again we have heard of one of our men killed at the Front - F.C.Jones. Our hearts go out in sympathy to Mr and Mrs. Jones. Their son died at the receiving station, shortly after being wounded, but was able to send a loving message home. Mr. Jones has received a kind letter of sympathy from the Bishop. - R.I.P."
The recipe for wartime food "Fadge" is described in the South Wilts Church Magazine April 1917:-
"The Food Controller's regulations are beginning to tell on some of our people who have been accoustomed to live almost entirely on bread. Could not some of the older people ransack their brains and tell us what they lived on in the years of the famine - somewhere about 1846? The great thing in these days seems to be to use as little flour as possible. Have you tried "Fadge"? It is far more nourishing than bread, and one pound of it contains only half-a-pound of flour. Here is the recipe : - Fadge - ½ lb. of flour, ¼ lb of oatmeal, 1 oz. butter or margarine, ½ oz. sugar, one teaspoonful of baking powder, enough milk to mix into a soft dough. Roll out, cut in rounds or three-cornered pieces - bake in a moderate oven about 20 minutes. Result : 1 lb of very nourishing food."
Fadge in Ireland was made using potatoes.
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine August 1917:-
"The Vicarage, 23rd July 1917.
MY DEAR FRIENDS, - As you know, I have been to Perham Down to get experience of the working of a Church Army Hut before going out to France. ..."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine October 1917:-
"MY DEAR FRIENDS, - Little did I think that the letter I was intending to write to you this month would be one connected with such deep sorrow and sadness. On Tuesday afternoon, September 11th, I had received a very happy letter from my dear wife, in which there were the following words: "Will you try and write a letter for the Magazine? - the people are so hoping that you will." Four hours later came the wire came through with the sad news - it had been 25 hours on the way, and it took me nearly 30 more to get back from France, which the military authorities kindly allowed under the circumstances. It is difficult to realise the great blank there is in my life, and I hope you will understand if I do not come back to Broadchalke before returning to the work of the Church Army in France. ..."
The Vicar at the time was the Rev. Thomas Francis Forth. B.A. inducted on Sunday, August 2nd, 1914.
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine March 1918:-
"We have had the pleasure of having the Vicar in our midst for a few days on his return from France. He has volunteered for work in Egypt, whither he will be proceeding shortly."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine May 1918:-
"Hubert Loader is in Wharncliffe Hospital, Sheffield, wounded in the head; and Frank Bundy has been wounded in the right hand. Both have our best wishes and prayers for their recovery."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine June 1918:-
"Much sympathy will be felt for Mrs. Loader, who son, Fred, has died on active service from the effects of being gassed. Also for Mr. and Mrs. Feltham, whose son, Edgar, at first reported missing, is now a prisoner in Germany.
Mr. Forth is now on his way to Egypt. He sends his love to his people, and asks to be remembered at the Altar.
The following have recently been called up; Wm. Hargrave, Gilbert Penny, Charles Gulliver, Morgan Emm (jun.), Wm. Gurd, Frank Emm."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine July 1918:-
"There are doubtless a number of Churchpeople who would like to see some memorial to the late Mrs. Forth. It has been suggested, and approved by the Churchwardens, that a chalice in use since Christmas (a new one then) should be purchased for this end. One feels that it would be something that would be appreciated by the Vicar, as well as of permanent use to the Church, which does not possess a silver chalice. Will those who would like to contribute towards the cost (£10 at least), kindly send their contributions to Mrs. Lidford (sic, should be Sidford), Manor House, or to Rev. W.D.Hawken, at the Vicarage? And will any wishing to give anonymously put their money (wrapped in papaer to distinguish it) in the box now fixed in the Church."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine August 1918:-
"The sum at present received towards the memorial to Mrs. Forth amounts to £2 5s 6d. The hon. treasurers will be glad to receive further contributions without delay.
ON August 4th we enter on the fifth year of the War. Special forms of service are to be used."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine October 1918:-
"THE Vicar is now in the Holy Land. He and Geoffrey Cobb have met each other. The Vicar's time with the Church Army is up on Feb. 18th next, but it may be a month (or two) after that before he can reach home.
THE amount required for the chalice, in memory of Mrs. Forth, has now been received. Since announcing this in Church, five very kind donations have been received, which will enable a suitable inscription to be placed under the foot.
AMONG those on leave recently have been Isabel Isaac (W.A.A.C.), Elizabeth Salmon (S.J.A.A.), George Moody, Charles Weeks, Morgan Emm."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine November 1918:-
"ON September 29th, Te Deum was sung at Evensong as an act of thanksgiving for the liberation of the Holy Land from the tyranny of the Turk."
Below: An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine December 1918 concerning the Armistice:-
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine March 1919:-
"IT is just possible that the Vicar will be back by Easter. A man who has done what he has done, deserves a hearty welcome from his parish.
A NUMBER of Broadchalke men have returned home: doubtless, to the great joy of their relatives and friends. Ernest Penny and Edwin Penny have arrived after a long spell in hospital; but Sydney Creighton has died of his wounds after a long and painful illness in hospital, in France; his brother, Arthur (M.M.) is still missing, and there seems little hope of his being still alive. We offer sincere sympathy to Sergeant and Mrs. Creighton and their family in this double loss."
1914 - 1918 War History 2 concerning the Peace Treaty of Versailles and the War Memorial.
This link shows the Frontispiece and advertisements of the South Wilts Church Magazine 1919.