Sunday School 1909 & 1914
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine February 1909:-
"The Sunday School Winter treat took place at the school on Wednesday, January 6th. After tea, to which the mothers of the children were also invited, games were indulged in, at the close of which presents were distributed to each child. Before giving away these presents the Vicar announced that next Christmas prizes would be given to those deserving of merit, and that to secure a prize a child would have to put in at least 45 attendances during the year."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine March 1909:-
"The Countess of Pembroke again very kindly presented three books as prizes for attendance and needlework in the school, these were supplemented by prizes most generously given by Mr Eastham. The following were the recipients of Lady Pembrokes's and Mr Eastham's prizes: Reginald Hitchings (for attendance), Lily Dimmer (for needlework) and Harry Poole, William Gurd, Ada Emm, Edith White (for attendance and conduct)."
An extract from South Wilts Church Magazine January 1914:-
"PRIZE GIVING. - At the closing of the school for the Christmas holidays the three special prizes so kindly given by the Lady Pembroke were awarded to Mollie Martin, Stanley Dowsett and James Emm. George Hargreave also received a prize for good attendance. Two other boys who had made a perfect attendance generously volunteered to waive their claim to these special prizes as they had previously won one. This is a kind of spirit we love to see and admire in the rising generation."
Scarlet Fever Epidemic 1912
The South Wilts Church Magazine dated July 1912 says:-
"THE School has just reopened, after being closed for 3 weeks on account of the epidemic prevailing. The buildings have been thoroughly disinfected and also colour-washed, and parents need not fear to send their children to school once more. We much sympathise with the sufferers from Scarlet fever and others who have been involved, and hope that if all take proper precautions the fever will be soon stamped out."